Versatile, Insightful, and Affordable, the Ripple Health Smart Haler is designed to drastically reduce asthma exacerbations, and increase interventions to provide better communication and outcomes in patients.
By understanding the time, location and method by which medication is used, the Ripple Health Smart Haler can detect an asthma exacerbation and immediately alert the patient or the physician, thus allowing for immediate medical intervention when necessary.
Through its adaptive design, the Ripple Health Smart Haler is able to comfortably fit all L-shaped asthma inhalers and is transferable from one inhaler to another. No longer will you need a different device for each inhaler you use.
Information and analysis works only if it is accessible. We have spent months developing a supply chain to ensure that the Ripple Health Smart Haler is not just the smartest of its kind, but also the most accessible.