Intelligent, Insightful, and Affordable, the Ripple Health Smart Cap is designed to drastically reduce non-compliance in patients
The Smart Cap can answer some of the hardest questions in a healthcare regimen. With our IoT framework, one can ensure medication is taken as prescribed, monitor when a patient is sick and needs specialized care, and use data trends to enhance patient outcomes.
The Ripple Health Smart Cap are developed with the patient kept in mind. Although it has been engineered with cutting-edge IoT technology, the Smart Cap has also been designed to look and feel like a typical pill bottle. Sensors are embedded in the cap which can reliably detect medication usage in real-time and transmit this information quickly and securely.
Information and analysis works only as long as it is accessible. We have spent months developing a supply chain to ensure that the Ripple Health Smart Cap is not just the smartest of its kind, but also the most accessible.